Sunday 5 February 2012

Unit 2: A Butterfly is Born

Hello class! How was your weekend so far?
I hope that it was fun and that you have managed to get a good rest :)

Since we have started on a new unit titled: A Butterfly is Born this week, I would just like to share a Youtube video with you which shows the life cycle of a butterfly. Do you remember what we have learnt in class? 

First comes a butterfly which lays an egg.
Out comes a caterpillar, which then transforms into a pupa. And what comes after the pupa?
Yes, you're right! A beautiful butterfly!
Do you also remember what a butterfly drinks? It drinks nectar using its sucking tube and it flutters away after its delicious meal.

We will have a chance to go to the Butterfly Enclosure in school this week for our learning activity, so I hope that you're excited! See you in class soon! :)

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