Sunday 12 February 2012

2 Integrity Class Logo 2012

2 Integrity's class logo!

And here it is, our class logo for 2012!
The creator of this beautiful and creative logo is none other than Er Zhi Xin, who was inspired by the Red Swastika school logo on the uniform. 

Well done, Zhi Xin!

Sunday 5 February 2012

Unit 2: A Butterfly is Born

Hello class! How was your weekend so far?
I hope that it was fun and that you have managed to get a good rest :)

Since we have started on a new unit titled: A Butterfly is Born this week, I would just like to share a Youtube video with you which shows the life cycle of a butterfly. Do you remember what we have learnt in class? 

First comes a butterfly which lays an egg.
Out comes a caterpillar, which then transforms into a pupa. And what comes after the pupa?
Yes, you're right! A beautiful butterfly!
Do you also remember what a butterfly drinks? It drinks nectar using its sucking tube and it flutters away after its delicious meal.

We will have a chance to go to the Butterfly Enclosure in school this week for our learning activity, so I hope that you're excited! See you in class soon! :)