Saturday 14 January 2012

Founder's Day Celebrations 2012

Qian Ying, Gabrielle, Ethan and Ryan working hard!

Matthew: "What colour should I use?"

Hmm.. should we form a tree?
Miss Tan instructing Matthew where to place the footprint.

Yay we did it!
2 Integrity's final masterpiece!
Say cheeeese, 2 Integrity!
  Here are the pictures that we took during the Founder's Day Celebrations this year!
Each of the students were required to write a birthday wish for the school and design the footprint with their art and craft materials. Through the activity, they learnt about the importance of teamwork and the gracious act of sharing their art and craft materials with one another. 

A level-competition was also held to see which class had the best design displayed, and though we would love to be the winner, what's important is that we've all given our all and put in our 100% effort. The results are not out yet but we shall keep our fingers crossed!

All the best to us!

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