Thursday 5 April 2012

Holiday Homework (MC Online)

Dear children, as there will be a holiday tomorrow, please complete these assignments on MC Online:

1) Multiplication Tables of 4, 5 and 10: Quiz
2) Multiplication Tables of 4, 5 and 10: Quiz 1
3) Multiplication Tables of 4, 5 and 10: Quiz 2

Do not forget to do your working on a piece of paper when you are attempting the questions. 
Do not be careless!

1) Primary 2>Vocabulary > Lending A Helping Hand 
2) Primary 2>Vocabulary > Animal Sounds

Remember, please try to do these questions on your own. 
All the best!

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Reminder- Puppetry Practice

Dear children, do remember that your Puppetry Practice will be this Thursday, 5th April 2012. Please remember to bring along your puppet (a combination of 2 animals) and practice your script at home.
All the best!

2 Integrity Animal Feast

Hello children! 
Here are the pictures of the 2 Integrity Animal Feast we had during the last day of school in Term 1. 
A big thank you to those who brought goodies for us to eat. It was all very yummy and delicious! Enjoy the pictures!

I hope you had a great time, just like how I did :)

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Multiplication Videos

Dear children, how have your holidays been? I hope that it has been great! Also, I hope that you have taken the time to revise on your multiplication tables. There will be a surprise quiz sometime this week and I hope that you'll be ready for it!

Here are some videos to help you learn! Have fun! :)

Sunday 12 February 2012

2 Integrity Class Logo 2012

2 Integrity's class logo!

And here it is, our class logo for 2012!
The creator of this beautiful and creative logo is none other than Er Zhi Xin, who was inspired by the Red Swastika school logo on the uniform. 

Well done, Zhi Xin!

Sunday 5 February 2012

Unit 2: A Butterfly is Born

Hello class! How was your weekend so far?
I hope that it was fun and that you have managed to get a good rest :)

Since we have started on a new unit titled: A Butterfly is Born this week, I would just like to share a Youtube video with you which shows the life cycle of a butterfly. Do you remember what we have learnt in class? 

First comes a butterfly which lays an egg.
Out comes a caterpillar, which then transforms into a pupa. And what comes after the pupa?
Yes, you're right! A beautiful butterfly!
Do you also remember what a butterfly drinks? It drinks nectar using its sucking tube and it flutters away after its delicious meal.

We will have a chance to go to the Butterfly Enclosure in school this week for our learning activity, so I hope that you're excited! See you in class soon! :)

Tuesday 24 January 2012

PAL (Outdoor Gym)

For this semester, P2 Integrity had a chance to participate in a fun activity called 'Outdoor Gym' for their PAL (Programme for Active Learning) lessons. These lessons teach the children how to work together in teams and the importance of listening and respecting one another in their groups.

In the pictures below, you can see how excited and energetic the children are when it comes to their PAL lessons. Let the pictures do the talking!

The instructor giving out instructions to 2 Integrity & 2 Generosity
Meagan, Rachel, Jeanie and Kristine listening attentively
Zhi Xin: "You're supposed to spin me like an egg!"
Zhi Xin smiling for the camera. Say cheese!
Jun Zhe and Javier having fun spinning Matthew like an egg!
You can do it, Marcus! Climb up and reach for the star!
Chan Ting striking a pose while waiting for her turn
Say cheese, Dannon!
Rachel looking very worried and anxious for her turn

The instructor helping Rachel up. You can do it!
You did it! Good job, Rachel!
Matthew modelling his traditional costume while waiting for his turn
Ready, get set, go!
Shout "YAY!" when you are done!
Yellow group
Red group
Green group
The blue group deciding who to be the leader.
Scissors, paper, stone!
Cheer for your group!
The debrief.
The happy smiles on Avriel's and Qian Ying's face after the tiring day
Looking at the pictures, I'm sure they can't wait for their next PAL lesson this Friday! ;)